Here we will compile what we hope will be a helpful, efficient and accurate guideline of standard "investigation gear", which no self-respecting enigma chaser and Group member should be without. We will start out with the basics and hopefully build up and add on more advanced equipment near the bottom. Note that while movies like Ghostbusters glamorized and popularized various unusual styles of outfitting, such as wearing an unlicensed nuclear particle accelerator on your back while chasing a big luminous green floating glob through a posh hotel, we here at the Group DO NOT recommend such activities. Thank you.

Notepad/paper and pen/pencil - the old standby, for when the enigma shows its head and all your super-expensive, hard-earned techno-geek equipment decides to take a nap, you can always make meticulous notes about time, date, temperature, noises, etc. or draw pictures and doodle if you're bored. Also useful for leaving notes saying "BIGFOOT GOT ME! HELP!"

Tape Recorder/Micro Casette Recorder - Not only can this be fun at parties and also used to blackmail your political rivals in Congress, having actual audio data and interviews, besides being a valuable component of any solid case for the existance of an enigma, is REALLY cool!

Camera - 35mm, Polaroid, and all those other less-popular formats... its only sensible to go into the haunted house packing at least one camera - after all, if you're going to be exposed to sanity-blasting horror beyond imagining, shouldn't you share it with everyone else too? Also useful for creating the illusion of being a tourist.